1 October 2020
posted in:
Business Therapy
I’ve updated my site recently, and have introduced an initiative I simply call Business Therapy.
As well as having worn a number of hats in the working world, I’ve had the pleasure of working with business owners as a therapist, who often share their struggles making a go of running a company. Especially in the COVID-era, running a company — big or small — poses many challenges which often go beyond day-to-day logistics. Whether you are a small team of entrepreneurs with no staff, or managing an office with several others, we often come face-to-face with ourselves: it could be a lack of patience, procrastination, or facing a lack of passion. It can lead to conflict with those we’re working with.
Business Therapy is a way to take the office into the world of therapy and work out our issues with those we’re working with. Specifically for those working alongside partners, I offer a way to untangle the knots that make us avoid persistent issues, be they personality conflicts or ways of problem-solving that actually work to solve the intended problems without scorching the earth around us.
How does it work? It starts with getting in contact with me. I will ask to meet with you and your partner(s) together (in person or via phone or videoconference), so that we can get a lay of the land, and so that I can better understand what you are up against, both personally and professionally as an organization. Then, I would proceed to meet with you individually so that I might get a gist of the individual challenges that may be working their way into the mix. My approach isn’t based on a static template, but rather customized to the needs you and your partner(s) present, and the situation at hand.
For more information on Business Therapy, please feel free to get in touch: matt@downowntherapy.ca or 416.873.7828.
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