5 September 2012

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The Effectiveness of Psychotherapy: Supported and Endorsed

Not that I had doubts, but it’s great to have more support behind talk-therapy. The American Psychological Association has released a Resolution on the Recognition of Psychotherapy Effectiveness. An excerpt:

“Be It Resolved that, as a healing practice and professional service, psychotherapy is effective and highly cost-effective. In controlled trials and in clinical practice, psychotherapy results in benefits that markedly exceed those experienced by individuals who need mental health services but do not receive psychotherapy. Consequently, psychotherapy should be included in the health care system as an established evidence-based practice.

Be It Further Resolved that APA increase its efforts to educate the public about the effectiveness of psychotherapy; support advocacy efforts to enhance formal recognition of psychotherapy in the health care system; help ensure that policies will increase access to psychotherapy in the health care system, with particular attention on addressing the needs of underserved populations and encourage integration of research and practice; and support advocacy for funding.

Be It Further Resolved that APA encourages continued and further research on the comparative effectiveness and efficacy of psychotherapy.”