15 October 2013

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Louis C.K., Cellphones, and Psychotherapy

Test Test Test… Yes, you are reading that correctly. What, you may ask, do Louis C.K., cellphones, and psychotherapy have in common?

Well, the popular YouTube clip (below) in which comedian Louis C.K. rants about how our compulsion to use cellphones is getting in the way of our humanness hits the very target that psychotherapy also aims for: that there are authentic joys (and yes, authentic bittersweet moments) which we sometimes feel the need to interrupt with electronic devices, such as the iPhone: by checking our email, our social networks, the news. And in doing so, we have this thing – this unnecessary crutch – which we increasingly use to protect ourselves from truly feeling through experiences, individually and (crucially) with others.

Something to think about. Please enjoy the clip below.

(with thanks to fellow therapist Sara Kamin, who posted a similar thought)